eBook: Speech and Drama for Students with Autism and/or Additional Needs
A Handbook for Teachers and Other Professionals
I have written this short, helpful eBook suitable for anyone who works with children with autism and/or additional needs. It’s specifically aimed at people who might be doing this work for the first time and are unsure about how to navigate certain challenges that may arise in the classroom. This book is filled with examples of issues I have confronted and overcome myself through the use of drama. There are detailed lesson plans and helpful material that has proved really popular with my students over the years. Most importantly, there is a section dedicated to self-care for the teacher or professional working in this area.
My experiences are derived from my own work as a speech and drama teacher, in which I teach many people who have autism or additional needs. I have also worked in an autism unit which provided me with invaluable training. This training came not only from my colleagues, but also from the many amazing children who attended the unit. I hope this book reminds you to trust your instincts and feel more confident in your work (and in life too!).
ISBN: 978-1-5262-0904-7